about our company

Growth Development Consultancy is a consultancy firm specialising in Monitoring & Evaluation, Business Development Services (BDS) and Career Development. In business development, the company offers holistic consultancy and niche packages to help young entrepreneurs get established in business. The consultancy also works with Non-governmental organisations, providing mainly M&E services. The scope of career guidance is on the path one may take after graduation, how to approach interviews, how one can develop his professional, academic and personal self, enabling him become a global citizen capable of making contributions as a leader.

Years of

Our Vision

To be recognised in Malawi and internationally as one of the contributors to Economic Growth as a result of providing innovative economic empowerment services.

We’re Creative

We dare to “Think Different”, starting up enterprises that create job opportunities that progress the economy.

Our Brand Promise

To help entrepreneurs and organizations grow through excellent research, services and professionalism.

Our Value Proposition

Professional, reliable, efficient and effective services are the cornerstone of our daily operations.

Our Mission

To serve business clients, organisations and empower youth to ensure that the experience positive growth in their respective activities.

our team

Our Skilled Leaders

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Daniel Nyirenda
CEO and Founder
David Nyirenda
CO-Founder, Marketing and Brand Specialist
Jonathan Nyanda
Business Development Specialist
Florence Kathewera
Business Development Specialist
Emmanuel Tchongwe
M&E Specialist
Emmanuel Lungu
M&E Specialist
Ellen Mwenda
Career Development Specialist
Doreen Chiwambo
Career Development Specialist
Roy Kachale
Business Development Specialist
Kingsly Manondo
Business Development Specialist
Daniel Steven Nyrenda


Message from the Founder

 After graduating from college, I was very frustrated due to my inability to quickly get a job as I had expected. Growing up, I was always encouraged by my peers to work hard and excel in school to get employed and be empowered to be independent. This made me work hard and I happily graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science (majoring in Economics and minoring in Mathematics) at the Catholic University of Malawi in 2015. However after graduation I had to wait for 15 months to get my first full time job as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at Find Your Feet Malawi. During my waiting period I considered starting my own business as an alternative to getting employed. This took me on a journey of learning and researching about business. During the same period I was also privileged to attend a business training seminar by renowned entrepreneur Henry Kachaje who further inspired me to start my own businesses.